
  • Population: 6.849 Million
  • Capital: Beirut
  • Language: Arabic and English
  • Currency: Lebanon Pound
  • Emergency No: Police 112
  • Size – 4035.5 Square Miles



Lebanon is a hidden treasure in the Mediterranean that is often forgotten about by travelers. 

In the heard of the middle east Lebanon is fully of ancient history and beliefs that give you a unique experience when you visit. 


Lebanon has a fascinating mixture of Christianity and Islam but even within the 2 faiths there are so many different denominations of the religions.  The two religions co exist together in the country and this can be seen in the culture and architecture around. 

 Following the Palestine evacuations many people flocked to Lebanon looking for refuge. These people then settled into refugee camps that are still standing 65 years later. These camps have become cities in themselves and so a trip to visit these areas and donate to them are greatly welcome. 


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