Tradition plays a big role in the local cuisine and there are some Dutch favourites that you have to try if you take a trip to Amsterdam.


A Clear consommé soup loaded with vegetables, vermicelli and tiny meatballs. Many diets have taken a variation of this soup as a party of a healthy lifestyle as it is very filling and has a lot of nutrients in it.


A national favourite of potatoes, carrots and onions. The dish dates back to 1574 where stories tell us the departing Spanish soldiers left behind bits of potato during the eighty years war and from the leftovers the locals created the recipe that has become an important tradition in Dutch cuisine.


Herring is available from street vendors and the locals hold the tail first and swallow it whole. This has become a tourist favourite and you will see many tourists trying this around the streets while friends film nearby. The Herring is often raw and pickled.


Oversized pancakes stuffed with bits of bacon and served with fruit syrup or molasses. It is quite honestly one of the best dishes I have ever eaten. I find a sprinkle of grated gouda cheese on top makes it even more interesting.


Deep-fried dough balls that are a great treat. You can find them all over Holland with vending machines in the streets that have then available all the time. There are variations on the dish where they are also available savory with meat or veg a little like a croquette.


A flavorful semolina pudding consisting of semolina (griesmeel), milk, vanilla, sugar and salt. If prepared in the traditional way then the pudding should be left to set in a mould and turned upside down to serve on the plate.

Of course, no tasting trip is complete without experiencing the local drinks. The national drink is Jenever or Gin and it comes in a variety of flavours and brands including Bols, Bokma, DeKuyper and Claeryn. There are also a good collection of Dutch beers and liquors to try on your trip.